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Mini Pancakes


Perfect for pancake day, a weekend breakfast treat or even to go in a lunchbox!



  • KetoClassic Porridge

  • Full Fat Cream Cheese

  • Olive oil

  • Whole Milk

  • Full Fat Greek Yoghurt

  • Water



  1. Empty the ketoclassic porridge into a bowl.

  2. Add no more than 3 tablespoons of water and mix well.

  3. Add other ingredients and mix well.

  4. Allow mix to sit for 2 minutes.

  5. In the meantime pre-heat a non-stick frying pan on medium heat.

  6. Using a tablespoon, add a spoonful of the mixture to the frying pan. Mix will make 4 servings.

    Using the back of a wet spoon, gently compress to flatten out. Do not press to hard or spread too thin. Keep at least 1 cm thick. The pancake will spread and flatten further once flipped.


  7. After 3 minutes, shake the pancake to loosen from pan and toss the pancake. You can also tip the pan to help the pancake onto the spatula and flip.

    Once flipped, tap the pancake with the back of a spatula to spread and thin out.


  8. Leave for another 3 minutes.

  9. Flip again and cook for 30 seconds.

  10. Allow to cool slightly and enjoy!

    You can add your favourite sugar free syrups or toppings!

Ketogether Web Nutrition - Pancakes New.
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